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br Experimental design materials and methods br
Experimental design, materials and methods Conflicts of interest Acknowledgments This study was founded by grants from CNPq (Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - process 302885/2011-0) and CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior). Mirian
br Acknowledgments The publication fee of this paper was
Acknowledgments The publication fee of this paper was funded by grant Flag ship UTMQ.J130000.2409.03G18. Data In the data, as shown in Table 1, the concentration levels of Zn, Al and Co of ballast water in commercial ships ranged from 1.23 to 6.58, 0.74 to 3.8 and 1.49 to 12.3ppb respectively
cetp inhibitor br Case report The year old male patient had
Case report The 30-year-old male patient had no underlying diseases. He found one 3 cm tumor on his right thigh at 27 years of age in January 2009. Total excision of the tumor was performed. Microscopically, it showed a spindle cell tumor with storiform growth pattern and focal myxoid degeneratio
br Results A RF signal
Results A RF signal with a frequency of 3.1 GHz and amplitude −12.43 dBm is used as the source signal in WDM link for measuring CW-RF waveform parameters. Figs. 3 and 4 show the waveform spectra for a continuous wave input and output signals, respectively. It can be observed from Fig. 3 that the
En t rminos de temporalidad el nivel
En términos de temporalidad, el nivel interactivo capta la situación y el mutuo condicionamiento de quienes se hallan in situ y se perciben recíprocamente. El nivel disposicional registra la escala de la observación individual, teniendo en cuenta los procesos de formación y constitución social (gené
Por eso como lo documentaron
Por eso, como lo documentaron Lexartza et al. (2013), las violencias feminicidas de las que huyen las centroamericanas se suman al uso que se hace de sus cuerpos como testimonio de la barbarie que puede ejercerse entre los bandos que se disputan un territorio. Tal y como contaba Diana, migrante hond
br Conclusion br Acknowledgements br Introduction Tapentadol
Conclusion Acknowledgements Introduction Tapentadol hydrochloride (TAP) (Fig. 1) is agonists of the μ-opioid receptor are being utilized expectedly for the treatment of moderate to serious agon. It is novel centrally-acting oral analgesic. Chemically it is 3-[(1R, 2R)-3-(dimethyl amino)-1-e
Other differential diagnosis was made with lymphoreticular
Other differential diagnosis was made with lymphoreticular malignancies such as lymphomas, Hodgkin\'s disease, malignant histiocytosis and monocytic leukaemia, all of which have similar histopathological features. Atypia in focal adhesion kinase and the aggressive clinical course establish the diag
There contain two particular mitochondrial chaperone systems
There contain two particular mitochondrial chaperone systems that boost the newly synthesized or imported proteins folding in the matrix. mtHSP70, part of presequence translocase associated import-motor (PAM) complex, and polymer HSP60/HSP10 (chaperonin60/10) as main machinery, which is evolutionary
br Research by design An academic discourse
Research by design An academic discourse is ongoing, and increasing attention is paid to the possible roles of design in research, commonly referred to as Research by Design (RbD). A conference entitled “Research by Design,” held at TU Delft in cooperation with the EAAE/AEEA in 2000, is regarded
Introduction A great variation in
Introduction A great variation in nursing homes exists across the world. In general, nursing homes provide an alternative place of residence, where 24-h care and assistance is offered by professional caregivers when people can no longer reside in their own home environment due to increasing need fo
Convexity intraosseous meningiomas most commonly present as
Convexity intraosseous meningiomas most commonly present as slowly growing scalp masses, with possible relationship to a cranial suture. Intraosseous meningiomas are mostly characterized by osteoblastic or mixed osteoblastic–osteolytic lesions, with purely lytic lesions being the least reported in i
br Introduction br Case Report A year
Introduction Case Report A 42-year-old woman had been treated for hypertension and arrhythmia for years. She visited our hospital complaining of chest pain with worsening nrf2 keap1 and dyspnea (New York Heart Association Class III) on exertion for 3 months. Examinations on admission revealed
br Materials and methods br Results and discussion br Conclu
Materials and methods Results and discussion Conclusion India has enormous varieties of underutilized fruits that vary in appearance and organoleptic features as well as presence of varieties of bioactive compounds. The delicious sweet fruits as well as the seeds of M. hexandra (Roxb.) Duba
br Results br Discussion Recent advances
Results Discussion Recent advances enabling the prospective isolation of mouse satellite am630 have facilitated mechanistic analyses of their myogenic function. For example, the ability to clonally sort satellite cells with high purity made possible the demonstration that these cells can unde
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